A Hard Working Councilor for ALL of Bend
I am running for re-election to build on the incredible progress our community has created in the past four years. Bend is the fastest growing city in Oregon and our growth means we have to adapt quickly to the new Bend while also holding on to the small town community feel. While I have worked hard on Council to make sure we are addressing the needs of the community while planning our growth in sustainable and equitable ways, there is still work to be done. Many people in our community feel left behind by Bend's changes and many feel as if they have never belonged because of things like economic status, race, sexual identity, or geographic location. In my second term, I will continue to listen to our residents, work collaboratively on our challenges, and ensure everyone feels that they are a part of this city we call home.
Housing and Homelessness
We are not a successful city if the people who work here cannot live here. We need to keep working on quicker pathways to affordable housing for the minimum wage worker and the elementary school teacher. That includes supporting both deed-restricted affordable housing as well as missing middle housing and other housing types that can meet the needs of all residents. And did you know there are almost 700 kids in Deschutes County schools that are homeless? Our kids deserve a place to call home and I will make it my goal to collaborate and identify resources to get as many children as possible in stable homes. We need to continue bringing people to the table who build housing and do all we can to ensure we don't lose steam in our affordable housing production, so everyone from service industry workers to nurses and fire fighters have more pathways to an affordable rental and home ownership.
We have finally seen that we are flattening the curve as it relates to homelessness. I will use my position on the Coordinated Houseless Response Office Board to continue focusing on good data, regional solutions, community engagement and addressing unsheltered homelessness. On Council, I will continue the fight for sustainable funding for our shelters so that we don't lose ground on the important work we've started.
Our kids deserve safe routes to school no matter where they live. I will make it my focus to ensure that any child that lives less than a mile to school can get there safely, whether it is infilling sidewalks, better crosswalks, or access to resources like a bike bus.
We need safe transportation options and we need to work with our region to creatively expand our transit. Any change to assist one mode of transportation doesn't hurt another mode of transportation, it actually helps it too. I will continue the good work we started by advocating for safety first and ease of travel second. No one likes sitting in traffic and no one likes feeling scared to get around town. Let's keep up the work of helping our city's growth and fix our dangerous busy roads.
Belonging in Bend
I truly want Bend to be a city of belonging. There is so much that divides us and I want to work toward breaking down barriers, opening our hearts to change, and making everyone feels safe to be who they are. I will continue to fight for those in our city who feel as if they do not belong. In my second term I will continue the work I started initiating a hate speech and discrimination package of work which includes a multi jurisdictional coalition.
One focus of my first term will also be a focus the second time around. We have done an excellent job of expanding our outreach and communication at the City of Bend but we still have more work to do. Access to government and ownership in decision making are key to a strong city.
Growth is inevitable. But we need to ensure we grow together not in opposition. I will listen to your concerns and ensure you feel like you have a seat at the table and you are helping Bend be a better place for all of us.
Sustainable Future
Our children deserve a future in Bend. They should see their future here when they are in school and I'm afraid many don't. We need to do our best to encourage our children venture into the local workforce with a variety of opportunities. I will look to develop and advocate for public private partnerships that would allow for more of our kids to stay in their home town.
Our kids deserve clean water and air. We need to examine our personal, work, neighborhood and city behaviors and make changes for our children's future. I will advocate for the City to continue to strengthen our Climate Action Plan and provide incentives and assistance to our residents so we can create a sustainable future together.
About Megan
I am a sixth generation Oregonian on both sides of my family. Born in Corvallis to two OSU grads, my family relocated to Boston when I was a child. Every summer we came to visit our family in Oregon made me dream of living here one day. After marrying my husband in Bend in 2003, we started our family in the Southwest but were able to make the dream of a forever home with our three young children come true in 2018.
I have a degree in Political Science from The Colorado College and a Masters from George Washington University, which lead to a career in political campaign work.

I’ve also held government positions in Wisconsin for the Office of the Governor and the State Treasurer as well as John Kerry’s Senate office in Washington DC. While in Santa Fe, my primary efforts included leadership for Girls on the Run and community activism for the Santa Fe Public Schools. More recently I chose to focus on raising our children, two of whom have high needs. Moving to Bend and seeing how my children fit into the community here became the perfect launching pad for my co-founding Embrace Bend in 2019, a non-profit that began as a support structure for parents of children of color and has turned into a group with a big community presence envisioning a connected and thriving Central Oregon community where equity and access are experienced by all. Additionally, I have served on the leadership team of Moms Demand Action and as a Be Smart presenter advocating for secure storage of firearms, among other community groups.​
Going out on our boat to all the Cascade Lakes
Attending as many concerts as possible
Paddleboarding on the Deschutes
Early morning runs
My Top 5 Things To Do In Summer